Andrew Scheer pitches National Energy Corridor to create jobs and unite Canadians

New transnational project to generate economic and social benefits across the country

A new Conservative government will create a national corridor to carry Canadian energy and resources from coast to coast, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today.

“It’s time for a government that understands we’re in this together, that Canada works better when we work together,” Scheer said. “A new National Energy Corridor will create jobs and opportunities while uniting Canadians in our shared potential and prosperity.”

A National Energy Corridor will generate economic and social benefits for the entire country by moving oil, gas, hydroelectricity, telecommunications, and potentially accommodating other linear infrastructure. With a single corridor, industry wouldn’t need to submit complicated proposals for every new project.

A single coast-to-coast corridor would:

  • minimize environmental impacts
  • lower the costs of environmental assessments without sacrificing quality
  • increase certainty for investors
  • get critical projects built
  • and create good-paying jobs.

A new Conservative government will appoint a blue-ribbon task force to provide recommendations within six months of its establishment on how to proceed. The government would then begin to work with the provinces and Indigenous peoples – who would both share in the prosperity this project would provide – to realize this vital coast-to-coast link.

“As Canadians, we need to start dreaming big again, and we need to start dreaming together,” said Scheer. “We need to start building a stronger, more united country worthy of those who came before us and that our children and grandchildren deserve.”

Today’s announcement is part of Andrew Scheer’s plan to create jobs for Canadians across the country and help you get ahead. 

  • Scrap the Trudeau Carbon Tax, lowering the cost of everyday essentials like gas, groceries and home heating.
  • Introduce the Universal Tax Cut, saving a couple earning average salaries $850.
  • Take the GST off home heating costs, saving your family $107 every year.
  • Introduce the Green Public Transit Tax Credit, saving a family of four who take transit up to $1,000.
  • Make maternity benefits tax-free, putting up to $4,000 back in the pockets of new parents.
  • Introduce the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, allowing parents to claim up to $1,000 for sports activities.
  • Introduce the Children’s Arts and Learning Tax Credit, letting parents claim up to $500 for arts and learning programs.
  • Expand the Age Credit, benefiting the lowest income Canadians the most and giving a senior couple up to $300.
  • Boost government-matching to RESPs by 50 per cent, helping parents get more for their kids’ education.
  • Introduce the Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, putting up to $3,800 back in the pockets of Canadians for green home improvements.

